Successfully Closing A Loan With Wing Lake Capital Will Allow You To Take Back Control Of Your Business. Funding Is Efficient And Our Team Can Get You Pre-Approved Within 24 Hours. You Can Trust Wing Lake And Its Partners To Provide You With The Tools And The Financing You Need To Make Your Business Thrive Once Again.
We launched the Franklin Fund as a term loan solution for small to midsize business owners who needed relief from high interest, short term debt. Many companies that were struggling with cash advances or other similar products have had tremendous long-term success with the Franklin Fund.
The Capstone Fund is the natural evolution from the Franklin Fund with a target clientele of businesses with strong assets and cash flow, without the strain of cash advances. Many great businesses can’t qualify for conventional financing for acquisitions, equipment purchases, rapid expansion and other growth needs. Capstone will offer these owners an option for financing that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the marketplace. This fund is able to loan money at a lower interest rate but still offer a term loan product with monthly payments and a 3 year term.
Our Consolidation Solutions Provide Multiple Restructuring Options That Can Lower Your Monthly Payments By 60% Or More!
Answers to Your Queries
To qualify for a loan from Restoration Funding we need to see positive cash flow and on average $300K revenue per month or $3mm gross revenue on an annual basis
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To qualify for a loan from Restoration Funding we need to see positive cash flow and on average $300K revenue per month or $3mm gross revenue on an annual basis
To qualify for a loan from Restoration Funding we need to see positive cash flow and on average $300K revenue per month or $3mm gross revenue on an annual basis